Plush scented candles, creative canvass bags and sourdough bread alike – there has been an array of inspiring creators turning their hobbies into a side hustle during this uncertain period.
Supporting small businesses has never been more crucial; we have shared some of our tip-top tips to help your start-up communicate with confidence.
Be the (wo)man with a plan.
A communications strategy is something that tends to fall into the ‘I’ll get it to later, I promise!’ category. We understand, there are no quiet days when starting a new business. But taking the time to devise a communications strategy is worthwhile as this is your route to connecting with your audience and converting them to customers.
A great communications strategy will identify who you need to reach, what you need to tell them and how you’re going to do it. It will also ensure you don’t miss an opportunity to spread your message. We recommend looking at your strategy on a month-to-month basis, some questions to ask yourself are:
- Which channels are you utilising?
- What content do you have to share?
- Do you have any upcoming announcements or offers?
- Are there any current affairs that relate to your product or service? Could you offer a think piece on this subject?
- Is there any industry events where you should be present?
I heard a rumour; you need to know your consumer.
Whether it’s scented candles or personalised sweet treats, you need to define your audience and their key traits. You should take the time to segment your target audience and consider the following:
- What are their interests?
- What’s important to them?
- What causes them everyday worries? How can your product or service solve these?
Understanding your consumer and their needs will help to shape your focus, communication channels and strategy. For example, are you targeting Generation Z? Then you might want to explore the wonderful world of TikTok as a communication channel to connect with your customer. We recently explored the use of TikTok as a marketing approach; click here to find out more.
Your look is your hook.
Research has indicated that within the first 20 seconds of a job interview, the interviewer will have already determined the outcome. Think of your brand like a job interview– it’s your opportunity to leave a lasting impression. A strong brand is vital for growth, trust and continuity. Just like the first 20 seconds of an interview, it is the first touchpoint you will have with your consumer that could influence their purchasing decisions.
As a start-up, you might be at a loss knowing where to begin when it comes to creating a brand and subsequent materials for your business. Not to worry, there are plenty of online platforms that can guide you through the process such as Canva, and Commsbank designer Will Shek is on hand to provide inspiration when required.
Find a theme and throw in a meme!
Don’t be shy, social media is your friend! After you’ve identified your audience, you should have an idea about where they’re hiding, whether it’s LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Snapchat… the list goes on.
Using your swanky new brand and communications strategy, you can utilise social media to connect with your customers and give your business a voice and personality. You can use platforms such as HubSpot and Hootsuite to backlog your content and Canva to create glitzy imagery and a theme for your pages.
Social media opens a whole new world of possibilities, and remember people buy from people! Making your posts relatable, quirky and engaging will connect your business to your consumers on a human level. Why not even throw in a meme for good measure?
What next?
No matter your business size or offering, having a communication strategy is a valuable endeavour. Finding your story, image, and voice will help you to stand out from the crowd in a saturated market. Consumers want an experience when they buy into a product or service, and that experience starts with communication.
If you’re still stumped and not sure where to start, we would be happy to offer you some further guidance and advice – we’d love to hear from you, say hello!